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Posts tagged with ‘Jellyfish’

  • Win All Four Jellyfish Albums at Popdose

    By Omnivore on January 17, 2012

    Wait, I thought Jellyfish only released two albums. That is correct, but in Omnivore’s quest for the perfect pressing...

  • Jellyfish! Vinyl! September! Need We Say More?

    By Omnivore on July 22, 2011

    Yup, we have both albums by Jellyfish coming your way, and the first 1,500 copies of each are on...

  • OV-6

    By Omnivore on June 20, 2011

    Jellyfish — Spilt Milk
    2-CD | LP

  • OV-5

    By Omnivore on June 20, 2011

    Jellyfish — Bellybutton
    2-CD | LP