Welcome to Omnivore Recordings

Impact of L.A. fires on Omnivore Recordings

Photo by Greg Allen

Hello Omnivores,

We’ve been receiving a huge influx of questions about how we have fared in the L.A. fires and how people can be helpful.

Parts of Omnivore and our extended work family have sustained destruction and have been significantly displaced. We are tackling a mountain of paperwork and phone calls, and are at the front end of a crash course in insurance, natural disasters, laws, relief organizations, tax implications, evacuations, etc., all while some of us cannot even return to our neighborhoods yet. We wish this on no one, and are so incredibly sad for everyone who has lost their homes, businesses, livelihood or worse. All of us are safe and for that, we are grateful.

Here’s how you can help. If you’ve had any intent or desire to grab a title or two from our webstore (www.omnivorerecordings.com), now would be the best time ever. While we struggle through this emotional rollercoaster and extreme work interruption, it would help us build a bridge to the other side.

We have so much great music planned for release, and we will do our best to keep it coming on schedule, but the personal implications of this tragic disaster are going to weigh heavily upon us.

Please feel free to share this message with all your music loving friends. We can’t think of a better way to help lift us up than through the music we all share.

Sending lots of love from L.A.