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Game Theory — 2 Steps From The Middle Ages

Game Theory — 2 Steps From The Middle Ages

Game Theory

2 Steps From The Middle Ages

Release date: June 9, 2017


Game Theory’s final studio album remastered and expanded!

Following up 1987’s Lolita Nation (whose reissue appeared on numerous year-end “best of” lists for 2016) would be no easy task for Game Theory. But, Scott Miller and company were certainly up for the task. Re-teaming with producer Mitch Easter (R.E.M., Marshall Crenshaw, Velvet Crush), 2 Steps From The Middle Ages was released in 1988, and showed the band had no shortage of energy, experimentation, and excellent material.

This reissue contains the original 13 songs supplemented with a whopping 11 bonus tracks—demos, live performances and covers—all previously unissued. The translucent orange, first pressing of the LP (on vinyl for the first time since its initial release).

Packaging includes rare and previously unseen photos from the band’s photographer, Robert Toren, as well as essays from Easter, Ken Stringfellow (The Posies, Big Star), and Franklin Bruno (The Village Voice, Salon.com). The band’s drummer, Gil Ray, who was involved in all aspects with the Game Theory reissue series including this title, sadly passed away earlier this year. This reissue is lovingly dedicated to him.

As the first track says, there’s “room for one more, honey.” That 1 more is 2 Steps From The Middle Ages.


    CD / LP / Digital Track List:
    Disc 1:

  1. Room For One More, Honey
  2. What The Whole World Wants
  3. The Picture Of Agreeability
  4. Amelia, Have You Lost
  5. Rolling With The Moody Girls
  6. Wyoming
  7. In A Delorean
  8. You Drive
  9. Leilani
  10. Wish I Could Stand Or Have
  11. Don’t Entertain Me Twice
  12. Throwing The Election
  13. Initiations Week
    Bonus Tracks:

  1. Together Now, Very Minor (Live)*
  2. Amelia, Have You Lost (Demo)*
  3. Bad Machinery (Radio Session)*
  4. Room For One More, Honey (Demo)*
  5. The Waist And The Knees (Live)*
  6. Wish I Could Stand Or Have (Demo)*
  7. Rolling With The Moody Girls (Demo)*
  8. America (Demo)*
  9. I Turned Her Away (Radio Session)*
  10. Wyoming (Rough Mix)*
  11. Sleeping Through Heaven (Live)*
    * Previously unissued.
    LP consists of Tracks 1–13.

Cat No.: OV-204

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